Fan Translations

Brazilian Portuguese






Posted February 24, 2025 at 12:01 am
Posted February 8, 2025 at 01:54 pm

The Demon info page on the Slightly Damned page has been thoroughly revised and updated with a lot of juicy info!

Check it out here:

This is the second part of my ongoing project to redo all the lore pages on the Slightly Damned website. It's slow going, but I'm not stopping! I'll get it all done eventually, even if it takes me years.

My goal is to flesh out the world a bit more outside of the confines of the main Slightly Damned comic. As such, none of this is required reading to enjoy the main story. But you will learn some interesting facts if you do read it!


I'll be resuming work on comic pages next week, so with any luck, we'll get a new update by the 15th. I can be kind of slow, though. If I don't make it by that weekend, then updates will resume on the 22nd instead. Thank you for your patience! 

P.S. I am going to VancouFur in Vancouver, British Columbia in March! See you there!

Posted January 4, 2025 at 12:50 am

Happy New Year!

Long story short, I ran out of energy and spent a lot of December being sick and tired. I'm feeling better now, but I'm not able to keep up with weekly Slightly Damned updates at the moment. Nothing bad has happened; I'm just busy. As always, I want to keep y'all informed about what I'm up to.

My first priority with art will be to work on some obligations I've had to postpone for months.

Then I'm going to Further Confusion in San Jose, CA! I'll take some time to rest when I return.

When I feel ready to work again, revising the Demon info page will be my top priority BEFORE I make more Slightly Damned pages. If all goes well, maybe I can finish the Demon info page by the end of January and dedicate all of February to comic pages. We'll see, though.

I originally planned for the Demon info page to get done before the end of 2024, but like I said: I got sick and tired. I don't want to put it off anymore, so I'm gonna commit to it. Once it's done, I'll return to work on Slightly Damned pages until I leave for VancouFur in March.

I'm actually really looking forward to this year of Slightly Damned website updates and comic pages. I'm just spread a little thin, so I really appreciate your patience. I think updating the website is really important in the long run, so I'm willing to miss some Saturdays to make it happen. Hopefully what I make will be worth the wait! Take care out there!

Upcoming 2025 in-person convention appearances (come see me in the dealer's den!):

  • Further Confusion : San Jose, CA // January 16 - 20
  • VancouFur : Vancouver, British Columbia // March 6 - 9
  • Las Vegas Fur Con : Las Vegas, Nevada // April 17 - 20
  • Confuzzled : Birmingham, England // May 23 - 27


  • Slightly Damned and my other projects are supported by generous patrons on Patreon! Depending on the amount pledged, you can suggest ideas for illustrations and see exclusive art!
  • Whether you prefer it for one-time donations, or because you get a better rate with fees (depending on where you live), I also mirror my exclusive content on Ko-Fi!
  • I sell stickers, t-shirts, plush dolls, pins, and more on my Storenvy
  • If you're looking for Slightly Damned posters and books, please check out Slightly Damned's shop on Hivemill!
  • I am now looking for volunteer fan translators to help translate Slightly Damned into other languages! Basic image editing skills are required. However, I will provide the blank comics with their words erased, so all you have to do is fill them in. For more information, please email me at!


  • I stream 3x a week on Twitch! I stream art on Tuesday & Thursday, and video games on Sunday. Come hang out with me and the regulars; we'd love to meet you!
  • There are Slightly Damned communities made and run by fans on both


    and Telegram 

    If you know of any more and would like to share, just let me know via email or DM on social media!

Find me elsewhere:

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