Humans - Jakkai - Fairies - Khamega - Merfolk - Angels

Demon stats and special abilities.

Buwaro facing forward.Buwaro and Azurai on a height chart.

A height chart showing the heights of several Demons. Featuring Buwaro, Azurai, Lakritz, Tsavo, and Iratu.

click to see a larger version of the above image

Demons are a race of powerful beings native to Hell. They vary widely in their physical appearance and abilities.

Demons and Hell are the creation of Syndel, the god of chaos and the co-creator of Medius. Demons worship Syndel as their all-powerful leader.
They are the sworn enemies of Gaia and her Angels of Heaven, and have been at war with them for generations. Only Demons and their god Syndel can wield shadow magic, also known as dark magic.

Demons are full of vim and vigor, and love to fight. Most Demons end up dying before they turn 60 years old due to their war with the Angels and violent lifestyle. A Demon who makes it that age would be considered ancient among their peers.

Demons do not have afterlives like Medians. Their death is permanent (page 77) and it is believed that they return to their creator god Syndel when they die so that they can be reborn (page 893). The same is true for the Angels of Heaven (page 1113).

Syndel and Gaia holding green energy in their hands.

Syndel and Gaia with soul energy gathered in their hands (page 893)

Demons are seemingly built for a life of fighting. All Demons are equipped with some combination of horns, claws/talons, and mouths full of sharp fangs for destroying their opponents. Spikes and bladed body parts are common.

Most Demons are significantly larger than Medians. Water Demons, the smallest of the four types of Demons, are closest in height to Humans.

When a Demon is mortally wounded and/or facing certain death in combat, they may go berserk. Berserk Demons' bodies transform in grotesque and frighting ways to become bigger and stronger. They are indiscriminately violent and will attack anything within their vicinity, friend and foe alike. A berserk Demon with nothing to kill will destroy their surroundings and even turn to mutilating themselves. Berserk Demons will eventually die of exhaustion. When a berserk Demon dies, their body reverts to its original form.

Berserk Buwaro

(page 72)


The hides of Demons are thick and covered with fur, feathers, or scales that make damaging them with traditional weapons difficult. Even their bones are strong and can withstand heavy impacts. This is why Angels use weapons blessed with holy magic to even the odds against their sworn enemies.

Demons can see perfectly well in the dark, and their eyes have a light glow to them. The color of the glow is the same as the Demons' iris. The intensity of his glow is tied to their emotions. While fighting, their eyes glow bright enough to obscure their irises and pupils, giving them a very intimidating appearance.

A crop of page 739 focusing on Lazuli's glowing eyes.(page 739)

A crop of page 1003 focusing on Buwaro's glowing eyes.  A crop of page 1089 focusing on Buwaro's glowing eyes. (page 1003 & 1089)

Their sense of smell and hearing are greater than a Human's, but are typically not as well-honed as a Jakkai's. All Demons can naturally smell fear.

Their one major weakness is the holy weapons wielded by Angels. Wounds from these weapons burn their flesh and are slow to heal, leaving black scars that remain sensitive.

MAGIC : 6/5

Like the other races, Demons can have an elemental affinity with fire, earth, water, or wind magic. Demons have different looks and abilities based on their elemental affinity. Like Angels, Demons are brimming with more raw magical power than any Median.

All Demons also have an affinity with the magic of the chaos God, Syndel, allowing them to cast shadow magic as an offensive attack, or cast debilitating hexes on people and objects. However, this elemental affinity makes them especially susceptible to the light magic of Angels, and vice versa.

Lazuli charging her shadow magic.Lazuli blasting an opponent with shadow magic.

(page 797 and 798)

Hexes are detrimental spells meant to negatively affect victims. (Named differently so as not to be confused with the transformation curses of the Twelve Guardians.) Hexes come in many forms, such atrophying strength, dulling senses, forcing silence, and sealing magic. Hexes are more nuanced and difficult to control than destructive shadow magic. Only skilled magic users--usually wind or water Demons-- are able to understand and use them effectively.

Snowy tries to obtain her sword, but is hurt by the hexed cloth it's wrapped in.Azurai menacingly holds a hexed collar meant for Angels.

Hexes can also be cast on items. (page 137 and 752)

Angels are especially vulnerable to hex magic, just as Demons are vulnerable to the holy magic of Angels.

SPEED: 3/5
Demons are fierce warriors who can run, swim, and fly fast when the need calls for it.

But their strong builds and natural weapons come with downsides. Many Demons' hands lack the fingers and dexterity to effectively handle weapons and tools. Since Hell, their natural habitat, consists of wide, open areas, they tend to be rather clumsy in enclosed spaces. They also happen to have a terrible sense of direction.

An earth Demon that looks like a striped hyena holding a map and looking at a compass.

An earth Demon looking a bit lost.

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Culture - Life Cycle

Variation - Fan Characters


As beings of chaos, Demons are temperamental and difficult to organize. They are inclined to doing whatever they want without much care for the wants and needs of people outside of their in-group.

Demons do not put a lot of stock into their lineages. In their eyes, it's up to each individual to carve their own destiny. They do not normally have surnames that they share across generations.

Might makes right in Demon society. Traditionally, the strong rule over the weak. Demons will challenge each other in combat for the right to do what they want and exert control over others. The weak must follow, flee, or perish.

Demons will also fight for fun. Their tough bodies are able to withstand a lot more punishment than those of Angels and most Medians. Even a playful bout between friends can look like a serious battle to an unfamiliar observer. Demons will even fight with their mates as a form of flirting (or foreplay).

Hakka and Nikkei fighting from page 778

(page 778)

Demons typically wear minimal clothing, as they lack the tools, knowledge, and dexterity to make much on their own. Body piercings such as earrings, nose rings, and other jewelry are popular fashion choices. Due to their constant fighting, battle scars are common and can be points of pride depending on how they were obtained.

Not all Demons have horns, but those who do have them are prideful of them, often to the point of vanity. (page 448)

Life in Hell

Hell is a large island surrounded on all sides by the Styx. The Ring of the Slightly Damned includes the beach. Access to "real" Hell is walled off by tall volcanic mountains, and the only entrance is through the Gates of Hell guarded by Death's servant, Cerberus.

Hell is organized as a series of concentric circles. The more sinful a Median soul is judged to be, the closer to the center of Hell they are kept, and the more brutal their punishments are. Moving from the outside in, each ring is at a lower elevation than the previous one. Syndel resides at the very center, and thus the very bottom, of Hell.

While the Ring of the Slightly Damned is nothing more than just rocks, Hell has a variety of geological features. There are trees, water, and lots and lots of lava. Demons are not skilled builders, so their dwellings are usually in caves.

Iratu, Tsavo, and Azurai as children, fishing in some questionable water.

Demons are tasked with punishing the Median souls unfortunate enough to be sentenced to Hell for their afterlife. It's a job they are said to enjoy, as they are free to enact violence upon the sinners without mercy or remorse. After all, they deserve it, because otherwise they wouldn't be there... right?

Demons in Medius need to eat and drink just like everyone else. While omnivorous and able to eat just about anything, meat is their favorite food. Drugs such as alcohol, potions, and potion ingredients can affect Demons in unexpected ways.

Buwaro regrets drinking some alcohol, from page 939.

(page 939)

Life Cycle

Age 0: Eggs

When two Demons love each other very much, and their mutual clawing and biting hits just right... the happy couple may produce an egg! Demon eggs are soft, slimy, red in color, and transparent. The development of the fetus contained within is easily observable.

Buwaro as an egg.

(page 295)

Most Demons choose to lay their eggs at, or bring them to, a designated Demon nursery located in the outskirts of Hell. (page 967) While Demons love to fight under normal circumstances, serious fighting is frowned upon here out of fear of accidentally killing defenseless young. Still, it is common for Demons to hide their eggs in caves or other hard to find places to keep them safe from other Demons.

Ages 1-10 (approximate): Devils
Juvenile Demons are sometimes called Devils.

Devils are kept away from the fighting and other violence until they considered are old enough to defend themselves. What age this actually is depends on the Demons raising them, as well as the disposition and capabilities of the Devil being raised.

Because there is no need for Demons to eat food in Hell, Demon parents do not nurse their young. Only Syndel knows why some Demons develop breasts when they become older.

Ages 11-15 (approximate): The Teenage Years
Around this age, Devils are expected to grow out of living in the outskirts and move into "real" Hell.

Formal education in Demon society is limited. Most grow up without learning how to read or write. Survival amongst other Demons as well as against attacks from Angels in The Great War is considered to be of the utmost importance.

Pursuit of higher education in subjects such as history, language, and alchemy is possible through individual learning and mentorship.

Ages 16+ (approximate): Adulthood
Demons are considered fully grown in Demon society when they're in their late teens. Adulthood is proven by being able to hold their own in a fight against an adult, or when they become a parent.

All Demons are expected to fight and kill Angels on sight.

Demons who are less inclined to fight, or are otherwise unable to fight effectively, will do their duty by occupying themselves with the torture of Median souls and training younger Demons.

Ages 50+: The Senior Years
Most Demons die before they're 60 due to their rough lifestyle. If one managed to live a life of peace, then perhaps they'd be able to live a lot longer...


Demons are creatures born from chaos, and as such, even their appearances are chaotic. They resemble birds, mammals, and reptiles. Demons also vary greatly based on their elemental affinity. There are four types of Demons based on the four natural elements: fire, earth, wind, and water. Each has their own special abilities and attributes.

Horns are not gendered traits. Not all Demons have horns. Two horns is most common, but Demons can have one, three, or more horns. There are a wide variety of horn styles.

A Demon's body will typically be two colors: a primary base color and patterns of a secondary color. Their hair, horns, claws, and mouths may be different colors in addition to the two colors on their body. While certain colors are common among each of the four types of Demon, any Demon can potentially be any combination of colors. Demons may also make use of hair dye to alter their appearance.

Demons may have stripes, spots, or splotches. Facial markings are common.

Children resemble their parents, inheriting a mix of their physical features, personality, and element.

A family tree showing that Buwaro and Azurai are first cousins. Buwaro's mother,

If their parents are of different elements, their child will most likely be one of their parents' elements. However, there is a small chance of the child being one of the other two unrelated elements.

Despite their differences, Demons are all considered a single race. Even if they are of different elements and look completely different from one another, any type of pair can mate and produce eggs without issue under normal circumstances.

Fire Demons

unique ability: "Fireproof" - resistant to high temperatures
common colors: red, orange, yellow, purple
height range: 6' to 8'

build: lanky, slender, lean

Fire Demons from the main story: Buwaro, Azurai, Triska, Nikkei, Dakos

Fire Demons are second only to earth Demons in terms of physical strength. All fire Demons are fireproof and can easily breathe fire. Their bodies are noticeably warmer than those of other Demons and other races. Although it doesn't actually hurt them, they really hate getting wet.

In general, fire Demons are easily excitable and impulsive. Fire Demons brazenly express their emotions without restraint. They are playful and jovial around people they like, and are quick to pick fights with anyone they don't. However, they get lonely easily.

Earth Demons

unique ability: "Large" - ...Have you seen how big they are?

common colors: orange, brown, green

height range: 10' to 14'

build: bulky, muscular, heavyset

Earth Demons from the main story: Iratu, Talus, Sahne

Earth Demons are the biggest of all the Demons. Earth Demons prefer to rely on their incredible physical strength rather than on their magic. Despite having just as much potential as other Demons, their poorly honed magic often withers to the point where they are no more skilled than the average Jakkai. However, even a basic earth spell can be devastating with an earth Demon's raw power.

These stubborn and straightforward Demons don't usually bother with thinking ahead or making elaborate plans.

Weaker Demons tend to gather around earth Demons due to their protective natures.

Water Demons

unique ability: "Deep Dive" - can stay underwater for hours
common colors: blue, teal, purple

height range: 5' to 7'

build: stocky, stout, thick

Water Demons from the main story: Lazuli, Lakritz, Abyset

Water Demons are at home in the water and are adept at using spells. Out of all the Demons, they tend to be the shortest, as their height range is similar to Humans'. They are masters at manipulating water with their magic, using piercing icicles and freezing snow to their full advantage in combat. They are also extremely fast swimmers. While they cannot actually breathe underwater like Merfolk, a trained water Demon can use magic to stay submerged without issue for long periods of time.

Water Demons easily get dehydrated, so they prefer to stay close to sources of water. They are intelligent, adaptable, and tend to value cooperation more than other Demons.

Wind Demons

unique ability: "Aerial Ace" - they can fly
common colors: green, sky blue, gray

height range: 8' to 10'

build: long, tall, thin

Wind Demons from the main story: Sakido, Tsavo, Haury, Hakka, Cyran

Wind Demons are the only Demons with wings, and as such, are the only Demons capable of flight. They are the second tallest to earth Demons.

Their magical abilities are the best out of all the Demons. They prefer to attack at long range with wind, lightning, and shadow magic. Their light builds make them the weakest Demons when it comes to close-quarters combat.

Wind Demons are serious, intelligent, and individualistic. They are the most likely type of Demon to become a strategist for their comrades.

Design-a-Demon Don'ts

Demons are a lot of things, but they are not everything. Each race has special traits that make them unique.

  • Demons do not have bare skin like Humans.
  • Demons do not have strong prehensile tails like Jakkai.
  • Demons do not have insect-like features like Fairies.
  • Demons do not have shells like Khamega.
  • Demons do not have bodies like Merfolk.

Demons with more than four limbs or serpent-like lower halves are rumored to have once existed. Were they rare mutations? Partial curses from The Twelve Guardians? The result of an alchemist's potion or hex gone awry? (...or gone right?) Who knows!

Fan Characters

Demons like all the races of Slightly Damned, are an open species! That means that everyone is welcome to make their own original character (OC) without the need for permission from me or anyone else.

Obviously, I do not own the concept of Demons as a whole. But Slightly Damned Demons do have their own particular qualities, so if you're going to use them and use the name "Slightly Damned", this message is for you!

Making merchandise is where things start to get tricky. If you are an independent artist, it's okay to make and sell a limited amount of small items that feature your original art of your original character. Things like stickers, prints, buttons, and zines are okay! If you want to have some of those made by an artist who isn't you to give and trade with your friends, that is also totally OK!

You are even permitted to make adoptables if you like! Just please make sure that you and your clients understand where these particular Demons are from and that your art does not confer licensing rights.

Want to commission art of your character from an artist to draw your character? Make a fursuit? Model an avatar for use in virtual reality? Create digital stickers or emotes for use in chat programs? Make adult art for adult eyes? ...Even the really weird stuff?? These things are all OK! The rule of thumb to follow is that if it's one-of-a-kind, it's probably OK.

All I ask is that you link back to Slightly Damned whenever possible in order to spread the word about the comic. I am just a small, independent artist and I could use all the help I can get.

If you are a company looking to manufacture a large quantity of a product (like, hundreds or thousands of them), or make an animated project that will get advertising revenue, or develop a video game meant for sale, or something along those lines, then you're big enough to talk licensing. Contact me about it at! Every part of Slightly Damned's story, world, names, and characters belong to me, and I'd rather we all avoid legal trouble. Don't cause problems by committing copyright infringement.

Stay safe and have fun!


Scott the Fire Demon (by Scott Fraser)

A group of Demon friends (art by Sandentwins)

From left to right:

  • Water Demon: Razuka by Sandentwins
  • Wind Demon: Ori by Quinn
  • Fire Demon: Ignie by Media Droid
  • Wind Demon: Tulfyel by Jamal Deep™
  • Water Demon: Rix by Lucky

The Phantom Pack (art and characters by Sandentwins)

From left to right: Lendy (water), Rozer (earth), Cherrit (fire), Razuka (water), Faust (wind), Stitches (wind), Ayesha (fire), Clawdin (Earth)

Humans - Jakkai - Fairies - Khamega - Merfolk - Angels

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