Posted November 19, 2011 at 08:32 am
I'm going to have a special surprise for you guys on December 3rd! I'm making this date well-known because I want to be held to it. I've been pretty lazy these last few weeks, so it's time for me to get my ass in gear. Save the date!

Also... I'm not going to be taking any commissions starting Black Friday (that's Friday, November 25th for you readers not in the United States). I'm already pretty busy and I'm only going to be more busy from now on. I may re-open for orders in a couple weeks or months, though, depending on how things go.

I don't update this space very often, as you may have noticed, so I encourage you all to follow me on Twitter at @sdamned! I'm a fairly active Tweeter and I'm always sharing cool stuff, site and comic updates, and Zazzle store discounts. I also promise not to spam you with inane updates about how hungry I am or what my cats are doing... much.
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