Hi folks! First of all, I want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who gave me a tip, bought something from my store, got a commission from me, and told me some kind words. Summer is always a bad time for me, and summer of 2020 has been one of the roughest. But your generosity helped me buy groceries and pet food, and your encouragement kept my spirits up. I'm still very fortunate in that my living situation is stable, but every little bit helps from the gaping hole that all the canceled conventions left in my life-- and bank account.
Now onto some good news: one of the things I've been working hard on behind the scenes is the preparations for the next Slightly Damned Kickstarter! This time, our goal is to print the new, improved, full-of-new-bonus-material second edition of Slightly Damned: Book Two. (In short, the first edition was long-discontinued years ago because it was made via print-on-demand, with weak binding and a prohibitively expensive price.) This new Kickstarter is very similar to the previous one, so some of you will know what to expect from the tiers: the chance to write gag comics, nominate redrawn pages, and nab original pencils! There are also new goodies, like prints and stickers. As for stretch goals, there is only one: printing Book Three as well.
The Kickstarter will run from October 1st through October 30th, just before Halloween. I'll be trying to promote the campaign as much as I can on my social media and art sites by drawing a bunch of art. It's my dream to someday collect the whole comic into printed books, so this is an important step towards that goal! Once the project launches, I'll make a new post with the link.