Posted November 29, 2018 at 10:00 pm

Sorry, but Slightly Damned is on a teensy weeny break. I got sick twice this month with two different illnesses, so I lost a lot of work time and am a bit behind. I need some extra time to get things in order.

From 11/30 through 12/2 I'll be selling my wares at Midwest Fur Fest in Rosemont, Illinois!

On 12/8, a guest comic by Nick Daniel will be posted! He's my friend and the creator of one of my favorite webcomics, Latchkey Kingdom! Also, my other webcomic, The Junk Hyenas Diner, will FINALLY get a 5-page update to conclude the chapter "I Scream Cake!"

On 12/15, Slightly Damned will resume updates as normal. Thank you for understanding! Life is often difficult and unpredictable.

P.S. If you backed the Slightly Damned: Book One Kickstarter back in August, the PDF of the eBook is now available! Check your inboxes or this update for the download link! The book has been sent off to the printer and the merchandise for rewards are being bought this week. We are still on track for physical rewards being delivered in January 2019!

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